IIoT in Manufacturing: Overcoming Common Challenges

Data is essential in virtually every aspect of modern life. A goalkeeper can’t improve if they don’t know their save percentage. A radio station won’t know the best ads to play if they don’t know who listens to their programs most often. A baker’s treats won’t taste very good if they don’t know the precise measurements of each ingredient. While it’s certainly possible to improve without the help of facts and figures, it’s much more difficult when blindly attempting those advancements. The same is true for manufacturing. We may eventually find the reason behind common bottlenecks or figure out a way to speed up the production process without sacrificing quality, but those efforts will take much longer (or may never occur) without data. The implementation of IIoT in manufacturing does just that — creates valuable, actionable data that can be tracked, managed, reported, organized, and much more. Today, we’re covering a few common challenges that come along with the adoption of IIoT in a manufacturing environment and how they can be overcome.


What is IIoT?

Before diving into the finer points of IIoT implementation, it’s first necessary to understand what it is. To keep it brief, IIoT stands for the industrial internet of things and is also frequently referred to as industrial IoT. At its core, manufacturing IIoT connects a wide range of systems, hardware, and devices to one another. It gathers data from each of these elements, puts that data into the cloud, and allows users to track and manage what’s going on in their plant. By collecting this data and putting it into a format that can be interpreted and reported on, manufacturers are able to more easily find things like factory bottlenecks, the best areas for optimization, machine errors, spots where production quality can be improved, and beyond. Learn more about industrial IoT in our first digitalization blog post at this link.


The Primary Challenges of IIoT Implementation

The industrial internet of things offers incredible potential to the manufacturers who utilize it. But like anything that offers the possibility of outstanding results, there are a few aspects that can present a challenge to operators and stakeholders. Here’s a breakdown of a few of the most common, and we’ll go over how to overcome them in the next section.

  • Data Fragmentation: When working with both new tech and legacy systems, data often ends up siloed and incompatible with other information. To fully embrace IIoT, it’s important to integrate all systems.
  • Insufficient Infrastructure: Industrial IoT needs a number of important elements – network connectivity, storage for data, and full processing capability. Oftentimes, manufacturers just beginning the implementation process lack all or some of these.
  • Understanding Appropriate Solutions: There is a diverse range of IIoT solutions on the market. Knowing which is ideal for a unique company can be difficult.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Knowing how to train manufacturers about IIoT security is of utmost importance. The data collected is usually of a sensitive nature and operators must know how to address any vulnerabilities in order to protect that data.
  • Proving ROI: Industrial IoT devices and the related infrastructure often comes with some sticker shock. Proving to investors and key stakeholders that it will provide exceptional ROI can feel like a challenge, meaning that manufacturers need to develop clear business cases that show expected ROI and long-term value.
  • Long-Term Scalability: Any smart business decisions will consider future growth. This means companies should select IIoT solutions and technologies that allow them to adapt to any changes in their industry, as well as possible updates to regulations and standards.
  • The Workforce: Specialized skills are a necessary aspect of industrial IoT adoption. Training team members or acquiring new talent may present a significant problem. Additionally, with changes in processes and job roles or responsibilities, it’s possible that there will be internal resistance that needs to be shifted toward cultural acceptance of new technologies.


Industry 4.0 drives smart technology adoption, enabling industrial businesses to leverage operational data efficiently.

Unlocking the potential of IIoT offers real-time insights, optimized operations, cost reduction, and increased productivity. Our whitepaper explores IIoT adoption challenges, cloud infrastructure benefits, edge computing integration, and future trends in cloud-based IIoT connectivity platforms. Discover how Process Automation Solutions can unleash the trapped value in your OT data and harness the power of IIoT.

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PA Facts: Overcoming the Common Challenges of IIoT Implementation

Though the challenges presented by implementing industrial IoT in a manufacturing facility may seem daunting, there are some easily accessible solutions that bring both peace of mind and outstanding ROI. These are all made possible by the fully customizable IIoT platform PA Facts from Process Automation Solutions. PA Facts:

  • Creates scalable infrastructure through the connection of devices and systems, as well as the collection and processing of data.
  • Fixes data siloes by integrating information to promote informed decision making
  • Generates incredible ROI through predictive AI and more
  • Minimizes information overload by visualizing and interpreting the most important, complicated data
  • Translates, contextualizes, and standardizes facility data
  • Enhances traceability with one-click audits, creating easily accessible transparency, auditing, and compliance
  • Enhances cyber security through robust measures to protect and safeguard all systems
  • Promotes collaboration by connecting global and local operators, departments, and stakeholders


Tomorrow’s Solutions Today

Implementing IIoT in manufacturing doesn’t have to be scary. Though it may at first seem like one of the more daunting projects a business will undertake, it offers real-world solutions and solves myriad problems found in any factory across the globe. Better yet, when adopted with the help of Process Automation Solutions and the customizable, scalable PA Facts platform, it becomes even easier. Not sure if you’re ready to take on the challenge quite yet? We completely understand. That’s why we’re offering our free whitepaper, “Tackling IIoT Connectivity: A Complete Guide to Overcoming Legacy Connectivity Challenges”, to anyone who may need it. Simply fill out your information below and you’ll soon find all the information you need on how to begin implementing IIoT in manufacturing without fear!

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